New Flex Scheme Opens Up Funding for more households

New Flex Energy Scheme

We at EnergySmart are always happy to hear when the Government is investing further funding into more ECO measures, that’s why we’re excited by the potential of the LA Flex Scheme!

Flexibility eligibility which is usually shorted to ‘LA Flex’, is part of the UK Government’s next phase of the ECO3 scheme (Energy Company Obligation Scheme). Local councils now have the flexibility to widen the eligibility criteria for ECO grants, meaning more residents can qualify for ECO funding, remember you can see if you qualify for an ECO grant by getting in contact here!

LA Flex must simply define criteria that prove residents are either living in fuel poverty or are on low income and vulnerable to living in a cold home. Since it is estimated that throughout both Scotland and England there are more than 3.1 million homes classed as living in fuel poverty or on low incomes and vulnerable to the cold, the LA Flex scheme is an effective next phase of the ECO3 scheme.

Do I Qualify? 

Your eligibility for the LA Flex scheme will depend on your local authority’s statement of intent. The LA Flex scheme is great news for homeowners as the criteria has been extended beyond just income, benefits received or type of heating to now include; illnesses, pregnancy, number of children or age of occupant. 

Simply get in contact with one of our ECO specialists today by clicking here and they will confirm if you are eligible within 24 hours!